SU prexy attends confab in Taiwan

SU prexy attends confab in Taiwan

Participants of the 2019 United Board Conference on “Re-Visioning the Role and Relevance of Christian Universities in Multi-Religious, Secular Asia: the Reaffirmation from the Empirical study”

Dr. Betty Cernol-McCann, Silliman University president, participated as a resource person at a conference to discuss the results of an empirical study on how to reposition a Christian university in the multi-religious Asian societies. The event was organized by Chang Jung Christian University Taiwan last Nov. 13-16, funded by the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia (UBCHEA).

Dr. Betty Cernol-McCann (right), Silliman University president, with Dr. Hye Kyung Park from Chang Jung Christian University (CJCU) Taiwan.

Through surveys and interviews, the study supported by UBCHEA gathered data from students and teachers in Asian universities, with a focus on Taiwan Christian institutions.

McCann with CJCU President Yung-Lung Lee

Resource persons from Christian higher education institutions in the Philippines, Indonesia and South Korea reviewed the results. McCann facilitated one of their discussions as moderator.

McCann with resource persons and organizers of the 2019 United Board Conference