SU to host ACUCA Management Conference 2021
Silliman University (SU) will host the Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia (ACUCA) Management Conference on December 2-3, 2021 where Christian higher education institutions (HEIs) in Asia are invited to collaborate in creating action plans for their preferred futures.
The two-day conference, to be held via Zoom, is part of ACUCA’s 45th anniversary celebration.
With the theme “Journeying Towards Preferred Futures at Christian Higher Education Institutions,” the conference picks up after the Joint Virtual Consultation of SU, ACUCA, and the United Board last July 2021 where key characteristics of Christian HEI’s preferred futures were identified.
The management conference aims to translate the identified key characteristics and viable strategies into complementary actions.
The conference also aims to enable participants to learn strategies from each other in achieving preferred futures and increase meaningful connections and collaboration among ACUCA’s member institutions.
“The theme is a call for every member institution to undertake innovative learning strategies and research, and to strengthen ties and partnerships through shared resources and expertise, collaborative research undertakings, and creative teaching pedagogies, among others,” said Dr. Betty Cernol McCann, SU and ACUCA president.
Dr. Wilma Tejero, ACUCA general secretary and SU Economics Department chair, said the two-day conference will attempt to navigate through paths leading to preferred futures.
“The paths taken by each member institution may be unique and different but collectively leads to a common destination, such as providing students with quality education,” said Tejero.
Aside from the management conference, ACUCA will also hold its 24th General Assembly and a turnover ceremony on December 2, where SU will turn over the presidency to Hannam University of Korea which will take effect starting January 1, 2022.
After the management conference, there will also be a virtual fellowship on December 3 in celebration of ACUCA’s 45th anniversary.
For the complete schedule of events, visit: https://acuca.net/new/2021-management-conference-24th-general-assembly/