Alumni Update October 10 – 16, 2022

Alumni Update October 10 – 16, 2022

Chesapeake Bay Sillimanians to donate $10,000

The Chesapeake Bay Silliman Alumni (CBSA) affirmed its commitment to donate $10,000 to establish an endowment for scholarships for working students at Silliman University. Paperwork for the donation is currently being processed.

“We have been given so much, and we want to return a portion of what we have earned to our beloved alma mater. We want to help struggling students finish their college education,” said Danny Luzada, chapter president.

The donation was affirmed during the chapter’s recent Founders Day celebration in Arlington, Virginia, USA. The funds come from the chapter’s earnings during the 2019 Tipon Silliman, which it hosted.

During the celebration, the chapter also re-elected its officers: Danny Luzada, president; Adlai Amor, secretary; Honeylet Tuanda, treasurer; Leo Saligan, Al Fuertes, and Bayani Pioquinto as directors.

Recently, the CBSA also agreed to pay the fees for a mass email program called Email Octopus to enable the Silliman Alumni Association, Inc. to send out emails and digital newsletters to its members easily.

CBSA, a chapter of the Silliman Alumni Association, has about 40 active members in Maryland, the District of Columbia, and Virginia. They meet at least twice a year to celebrate Christmas and Founders Day.


Some of the members of the Chesapeake Bay Silliman Alumni during their Founders Day celebration.


Filipino food, including lechon, is always served during the CBSA’s Founders Day party.


Dancing and ukay-ukay to raise funds for SU.