Alumni Updates (October 6-11)
Euroflock 2014, an alumni gathering of the different chapters from SUAA Ireland, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, New York and New Jersey USA, was held in Berlin, Germany last October 1-3, 2014. This alumni gathering was hosted by Silliman University Association of Alumni & Friends – GABS (Germany, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg & Switzerland). Grace Auza […]
Alumni Updates: September 29-October 4
Alumni Updates: September 29 – October 4 The new Alumni Board of Directors of the Sillimanians In Metro Manila (SIMM) recently held their first meeting to set and map out their chapter’s vision, goals, strategies and programs for the next two years. (Photo shows [L-R] Jobe Buling-Viernes, [Treasurer], James Manuel K. Raterta [Vice President], Danrex […]
Alumni Updates: September 22-27
Northern Ireland Alumni Chapter President Mr. Noel Jereza visited Silliman University. Alumni chapters in Europe gear up for Euro Flock, a convergence of alumni coming from all over Europe happening on October 3-5, 2014 in Berlin. Diva Putri Wulandari (first from left), an Indonesian and a […]
Alumni Updates: September 15-21
The Silliman University New Zealand Alumni Chapter (SUNZA) is the newest alumni chapter recently given recognition by the Silliman Alumni Association, Inc. A simple gathering at the residence of the Hows is scheduled to remember the Francis F. How on his 9th death anniversary on September 25, 2014. The Silliman University Alumni Council of North […]
Alumni Update Letter August 2014
Dear Fellow Sillimanians and Friends: This year’s Founders Day theme, Submitting to the Refiner’s Fire, reminds us all that one must go through the process of submitting oneself to be cleansed and purified. John Piper wrote, “… God will have no alloys in heaven”, and in general, alloy refers to a mixture of metals that […]
Alumni Update Letter July 2014
DEAR FELLOW SILLIMANIANS AND FRIENDS: July, being University Christian Life Emphasis Month (UCLEM), kicked off with the theme: “In Christ Alone,” reinforcing the foundation upon which Silliman education is rooted. The whole month celebration drew wisdom from Acts 4:11-12: “Jesus is ‘the stone you builders rejected which has become the cornerstone.’ Salvation is found in […]
Alumni Update Letter June 2014
Dear Fellow Sillimanians and Friends: The month of June reminds us that school is here again, and the challenge that comes with it is part of the game they call student life. To start off the school year on the right tone, we share with you this poem on beginnings by an anonymous writer. Whether […]
Alumni Update Letter May 2014
Dear Fellow Sillimanians & Friends: It has been a couple of days now since classes started at Silliman University and the fun and excitement of the first few days have started to fizzle out. But, the way things are unfolding isn’t that bad for the over 9,000 students. There is free WiFi and the 300 […]
Alumni Update Letter April 2014
Dear Fellow Sillimanians and Friends: The month of April gave us time to reflect and observe the Lenten Season. Lent offers us all a very special opportunity to grow in our relationship with God and to deepen our commitment to a way of life, rooted in our baptism. In our busy world, Lent provides us […]
Alumni Update Letter March 2014
Dear Fellow Sillimanians and Friends: The month of March was a time to celebrate and be grateful, as parents beamed with pride seeing their children graduate. The heavy downpour did not dampen the jubilation felt in the air at the Gymnasium for the Commencement exercises. We at the sidelines felt nostalgic remembering how it was […]