eOSP version  –  20 October 2019 

eOSP version  –  20 October 2019 

This digital newsletter is a digest of calls for participation, research collaborations, fellowships, scholarships, events and other opportunities for the Silliman community.  It is curated by the Office of Strategic Partnerships. The Office also acts as the Secretariat of the Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia and as the Liaison to the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia.

Spencer Conference Grant Program
The Conference Grant Program provides support to scholars for small research conferences and focused symposia. This program is intended to bring together researchers whose substantive knowledge, theoretical insight, and methodological expertise can be assembled in ways that build upon and advance best practices in education research. This grant program supports conference proposals with budgets of up to $50,000.
Program contact: Judy Klippenstein conferences@spencer.org
Click here to see attached PDF
Deadline: 4 December 2019

Application deadline: November 22, 2019.
Established in 2011, the Global Change Leaders Program is a seven-week education program offered by Coady Institute’s International Centre for Women’s Leadership. This program enables women from developing countries to strengthen their leadership capacities in order to contribute to innovation and change in their organizations and communities. Program participants engage in learning grounded in real world experiences and focused on Coady’s core thematic areas. Through a shared learning environment with other emerging women leaders from around the world, participants are exposed to a range of experiences and the beginnings of a potentially lifelong network of support.
The Global Change Leaders program provides successful candidates with a scholarship that includes tuition, travel, accommodations, and meals. Successful participants are responsible for costs pertaining to acquiring a visa to enter Canada.
Program participants benefit from the guidance and mentorship of accomplished women leaders in Canada and from around the world. The program is led by a core team of faculty in the International Centre for Women’s Leadership and supported by other Coady faculty and associates.
The ArtsEverywhere Fellowship for Artistic Journalism is a year-long program of support for any individual artist / journalist / writer / musician / producer / collective whose work exhibits a commitment to integrating creative practice with rigorous journalistic research, writing, and multimedia production.
The deadline to apply is November 1st, 2019.
The fellow will receive $15,000 CAD as a fee and $5,000 CAD for travel, equipment and other project costs. Fellows will be required to present a mid-project progress report and participate in the 2021 ArtsEverywhere Festival in a programmatic capacity TBD (funds to attend the festival will be provided separately by ArtsEverywhere).

Women’s Leadership Accelerator
An intensive program aimed squarely at advancing women in digital journalism
The Women’s Leadership Accelerator is a yearlong intensive program that supercharges the leadership and management skills of women who are pushing digital innovation.
The Women’s Leadership Accelerator kicks off at the University of California Los Angel*]}*es with an intensive week of mentoring, discussion and learning from some of the top minds in digital media.  Participants work closely with mentors on challenges unique to their careers and also receive support and coaching from ONA throughout the year.
The Women’s Leadership Accelerator provides:
A week of hands-on personal and professional work; candid discussions about leadership, work-life balance and problem-solving in the newsroom; deep dives on developing leadership and management skills; inspiring visits to digital media organizations; and one-on-one mentoring from industry leaders.
A year of check-ins and practical, targeted guidance and personal coaching on individual challenges.
Registration, travel and accommodations for the 2020 Online News Association Conference (ONA20) in Atlanta.
A half-day workshop for women in the program during ONA20.
The opportunity to be a part of a cohort of peers to serve as a strong career-long support system.
Deadline: October 31

John S. Knight (JSK) Journalism Fellowships Class of 2021 – Stanford
International applicants may apply through Dec. 4, 2019. The next class will have up to 20 fellows. From September 2020 to June 2021,they will spend an academic year at Stanford University exploring individual and collaborative projects. Although they are not an academic program, the fellows will have the option to sit in on Stanford classes, while also participating in special workshops and events, and exploring the abundant resources at Stanford University and throughout Silicon Valley.
As part of your application, you are required to propose an idea that you would work on during your time as a JSK Fellow. The project you propose should have the potential to create meaningful change and help address at least one of four themes that we consider the most urgent in journalism:
Challenging Misinformation and Disinformation.
Holding the Powerful Accountable.
Eradicating News Deserts and Strengthening Local News.
Fighting Bias, Intolerance and Injustice.
Your idea should fit within the broad parameters of at least one of these areas.

A message from JHI:
JHI invites academicians, professionals, research scholars and graduate students to submit their original research papers, survey papers, case studies, and academic or scholarly articles for publication in VOL. 8 NO. 2 October 2019 – March 2020.
Please send your manuscript to journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/jhi or send an inquiry email for further information to [email protected].
The submission deadline is January 30, 2020.
Any manuscript send after the deadline will be considered for the subsequent editions.