OSS Services During GCQ

OSS Services During GCQ

Photo by Denniz Futalan

Dear Students and Graduates of Class 2020,

God is good!

Congratulations for surviving the challenges of the world health crisis that we are facing today!

We are reaching out to you as we at the Office of Student Services (OSS) remain committed in supporting you within and beyond our beloved campus by the sea.

We miss your presence and the vibrancy of our campus community.  It is imperative that we all work together to flatten the curve. We would like to reiterate the importance of practicing social distancing and wearing of face masks. Maintaining our health and wellness is very important during this unique times with unpredictable twists.

Please be informed that OSS is open from Monday to Friday at 8:00 AM – 12:00 pm and 2:00 to 5:00 PM with limited services and window transactions only provided by a skeletal office workforce. Some staff work from home and are available Online.

For a safer and faster response for your needs, please be guided by the following:

  1. For University Clearance Signing, Issuance of Certificate of Good Moral Character and other Student Services concerns please email or call us first for proper guidance.

Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Telephone: (035) 422-6002 local 330 | (035) 422-6588
Mobile: 0916-666-6964

  1. For the graduates of Class 2020, we are preparing for an online processing of your University Clearance. Please wait for the advisory that will be sent to your su.edu.ph email account.

The Alumni Affairs Office ([email protected]) is now ready to accept your

Clearance if you email them using your personal su.edu.ph email account.

  1. For Student Scholarship concerns:
  • List of available scholarship and its requirements can be found at su.edu.ph, admissions then scholarship and aid.
  • Online scholarship application will start on May 5, 2020 until May 29, 2020. Please visit this link: https://tinyurl.com/SU-OnlineScholarshipForm.

For more information, please contact us:
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Silliman University Student Scholarships
Mobile: 0906-602-8909

  1. For Student Organizations concerns:

Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 0935-362-7548

  1. For Student Housing concerns, please be guided by the following:

Parents/guardians of interested applicants may now request for a pencil reservation at the Student Housing and Residence Division (SHRD) by telephone at 035-4201901 local 331 or email us at [email protected].

Please visit the University website at su.edu.ph by clicking Services, then click Campus Housing and select view for the Board and Room rates of the various dormitories and room accommodations.

  1. For Guidance and Testing concerns:

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (035) 422-6002 local 333
Mobile: 0917-707-1901

  1. For International Students

Email: international@su.edu.ph
Telephone: (035) 422-6002 local 334
Mobile: 0926-350-6754

Thank you and keep safe!

Your OSS Family