

Sillimanian gets Honorable Mention in National Essay Writing Tilt

A former student of the Silliman University College of Law is among the 13 awardees of the 2015 Philippine Association of Law Schools (PALS) Essay Writing Contest. Darrel Winthrop G. Torres, who represented Silliman with his essay “Doubt the great Haze”, is among the honorable mentions announced by PALS on November 25. Ma. Vida Malaya […]

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Ninth Grader Sweeps 2 Golds in Philippine Archery Cup

Ninth grader Nicole Marie D. Tagle made a gold sweep in the Junior Recurve Women of the Philippine Archery Cup (Luzon Leg) held in Baguio City on November 17 to 20. Nicole bagged the gold medal for both the Qualifying and Olympic Rounds. Representing Silliman, together with her, was tenth grader Phoebe Nicole C. Amistoso. Nicole’s […]

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College of Law to Host Intellectual Property Seminar-Workshop

Silliman University, through the College of Law, will host an Intellectual Property Policy-Making Seminar-Workshop next week. Organized by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) in Negros Oriental and Negros Island Region, the event will be held at the College of Law’s Venancio Aldecoa Multi-Purpose Room on November 28 to 29. The seminar-workshop aims to […]

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Sillimanians’ Statement on Marcos Burial at the LNMB

Sillimanians’ Statement on Marcos Burial at the LNMBIssued Date: November 18, 2016 “When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.” – Proverbs 21:15 When our sense of history and of justice are being trampled by political accommodation and judicial subservience—manifest forms of cowardice presenting themselves as legal prowess […]

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PH Gov’t Should Prioritize Marine Biodiversity Conservation —Dr. Malayang

“This country is a water world. We have more water than land.” Silliman University President Dr. Ben S. Malayang III stressed during the last day of the 2nd Shark Summit held at the Guy Hall in Silliman University on November 11. Dr. Malayang said that because of such a fact, it is important for the […]

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Silliman Produces 27 New Civil Engineers

Twenty seven graduates from the Silliman University College of Engineering and Design (CED) are among the 5,036 who passed the 2016 Civil Engineer Licensure Examination, which was administered on November 12 to 13. Silliman’s passing rate of 61.36% is higher than the national passing rate of 45.89%. Congratulations to our new Silliman Civil Engineers: Agan, […]

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Extension Program Organizes Basic Emergency Call-Taking Training

The Silliman University Extension Program (SUEP) implements the Health, Emergency Assistance and Life Support (HEALS) project at the Silliman University Marina Mission Clinic (SUMMC). This project aims to provide emergency assistance to rural barangay residents through trained call takers who will provide guidance on what to do next while emergency assistance is still coming. The […]

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Dr. Malayang: ‘Day or Night, God is With Us’

“A great university does not exist in isolation,” Silliman President Dr. Ben S. Malayang III told students, faculty, and staff during the All-University Academic Convocation on November 14. “It is part of the world. It struggles with the world. The world’s struggles are its own struggles. And our struggles and your struggles within the University […]

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High School Swimming Team Wins Medals in 21st Milo Little Olympics

The Silliman University High School (SUHS) Swimming Team bagged awards in the 21st Milo Little Olympics on September 9 to 10 at Cebu Sports Center, Cebu City. Congratulations to the Silliman athletes: Marc Luther M. ColipapaSilver, Boys 13-17 200m BreastrokeSilver, Boys 13-17 100m BreastrokeSilver, Boys 13-17 4x5m Medley RelayBronze, 13-17 100m FreestyleBronze, 13-17 4x100m Medley […]

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Nursing Continues Training on Use of Simulation in Teaching

The Silliman University College of Nursing Alumni Association International, Inc. (SUCNAAI), through its Program of Leadership Excellence in Nursing (POLEN) held a training-workshop on the use of simulation as a pedagogy for Interprofessional Collaborative Education and Practice on November 7 to 11. The training-workshop is a continuation of the seminar-workshop handled by Dr. Sharon Decker […]

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